
Talent Search to include Primary schools

TALENT SEARCH FOR ALL For 2017 the Talent Search will be available at five levels so as to include both 


primary and high schools.  “The aim is to give learners an opportunity to develop and test their computational skills.  By the time they finish school they could have taken part in eleven Talent Searches.” said Peter Waker, Trustee of the South African Computer Olympiad.

The Talent Search, known as the Bebras Contest in many European Countries, is a most popular contest, attracting around one million participants worldwide.

Schools with good connectivity will be able to take part online (no marking!).  In South Africa, for schools with poor or no connectivity the Talent Search is available as a pen-and-paper competition.

The five levels are:

Elite                  Grade 12 and higher

Senior               Grade 10 and 11

Intermediate     Grades 8 and 9

Junior               Grades 6 and 7

Elementary       Grade 5 and below